Today’s guest is a personal mentor of mine, Blake Maddox. I first met Blake shortly after I started at SolarCity. To say he had a strong reputation is putting it lightly. We are talking legendary status. It was clear that he had established himself as a master in the art of building a referral-based business. So much so that he literally was tasked with creating a nationwide training program called “Growing Referral Orchards”. Blake is a true master at planting referral seeds and his sales story is incredible.
On the show, we cover a wide range of topics on effective sales techniques, including how to build genuine rapport, ask what he calls “uncovery” questions, build credibility, and close business. Blake’s approach does not include hard sales tactics or manipulation, but rather focuses on the art of establishing and building long-term relationships by making an authentic connection with his customers. Along the way, Blake emphasizes the value or finding mastery through practice, why he feels it’s important to have a strong belief system, how he uses visualization, and why having deep knowledge of personality profiles has been so critical to his success.
When Blake meets his customers they don’t shake his hand, they give him a hug, and you’ll find out why on this show. A lifelong learner, Blake is a true student of just about anything he finds interest in and will research to the point of finding masterly. He is a huge advocate for having learning discipline and credits countless books as his greatest mentors. When it comes to sales, no one has taught me more than Blake Maddox and I’m so excited to share his wisdom on this episode of Insight Out!
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